Breath hydrogen monitoring to aid in the detection of gastrointestinal disorders.
Helping to detect gastrointestinal disorders, the Gastro+™ is a portable hand-held hydrogen breath test. It is designed for health care professionals to aid in the detection of gastrointestinal disorders. It can be used as a lactose intolerance test, and to aid in the diagnosis of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders such as fructose intolerance and intestinal bacteria overgrowth.
The new Gastro+™ features built in suggested protocols with automatic alerts making it easy to test multiple patients with different possible gastrintestinal disorders in one sitting, saving gastroenterologist, nurses and doctors a lot of time.
Breath testing with the Gastro+™ for gastrointestinal disorders is clinically proven and is being used by many health professionals already, its simple, non-invasive and low cost.