Facts and Sampling by SKC

Air Sampling Options for Viruses

Sampler Filter Cassettes 2 3 5
Filter Cassettes SKC Part Number 225-1723
Button  Sampler 6
Button Sampler SKC Part Number 225-360
BioSampler 4 5
BioSampler SKC Part Number 225-9595
Key Features Easy, economical, and widely usedSmall, easy, lightweight sampling train

Ideal for personal sampling and placement inside and outside of test areas

Used by agencies to sample for SARS-CoV

Superior collection of inhalable-sized bioaerosolsUnique inlet and proximity to filter minimises transmission losses; promotes equal distribution of particles

Closely follows the ISO 7708/CEN sampling criteria for inhalable particulate mass


Allows 8-hour sampling if filled with SKC ViaTrap mineral oil (suitable for specific analyses)Can be filled with sterile distilled water or other suitable liquids for PCR analysis

Ideal for research studies

Mode of Collection Filtration, collection onto filter Filtration, collection onto filter Impingement, collection into liquid
Media 37 mm 0.3 μm PTFE Filter used for SARS 25 mm, sterilised Gelatin Filter (growth culturing, maintains viability)**For short-duration sampling only Sterile distilled water, physiological saline, phosphate buffered salve (PBS), nutrient broth, or peptone water
Recommended Sample Pump AirChek Touch
220-5000TCAirChek TOUCH Sample Pump SKC Part Number 220-5000TC
AirChek Touch
220-5000TCAirChek TOUCH Sample Pump SKC Part Number 220-5000TC
228-9620BioLite+ Sample Pump SKC Part Number 228 9620

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